Category: Uncategorized

As my knowledge of computers and networks need to evolve for both school and work, I have created a small home network and lab setup both for practicing on and for running applications around my residence.

Currently I have several systems in place and more planned to be setup over the next few months. Today I spent about 3 hours setting up and tweaking a Plex media server ( ) to watch content I have acquired over the years. Although still not perfect, I feel that Plex feels a gap in the streaming media market, that being if you already have the media, why do you need to pay someone else to stream it to you?

With more and more media companies setting up streaming services, I think we will see a return to higher content piracy levels again as users cannot afford to pay each individual company its fee instead of paying one fee to a central content distributor like Netflix or Amazon. Big media conglomerates seem to miss the overall scheme in their attempts to capitalize on the “next trend”.


In late April, the site was hacked to add a script link to a russian trojan website.  Since I need to fix that, I decided that I would also update the site at that time.  Check back as I add the old content back to the new CMS.