Category: Adminsitrivia

Waking the long dormant dead.

Sometimes things just get away from you, you lose interest, or motivation to do things you wanted to do. That is what has happened to this website and blog. I was busy with other things in my life, and creating content for my online presence was not part of it.

Now, as all things do, I have regained both the times and interest to start on this again.

My plan for the future of the site is simple, get the content back, add the new interests and new content, bring back the joy I have left behind in creating and sharing information and to hopefully leave something useful to others down the road.

After a few years of neglecting the website, I have made a new years resolution to try and bring it back, we will see how long lasts, this time.  First of the updates was a new theme, followed by replacing the old gallery software ( still can be reached at ) and starting a new menu layout.  A few of the other changes I have in mind are to begin to upload or link to my drawings and CGI models.  HAM shack needs work as well.

Still trying to decide if I want to publish some of the android apps and Enlightenment apps to the ‘net.


Static pages structure in place.  Some rough pages have been added.